Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

Please note: this event has already taken place
Alle tickets voor dit programma zijn uitverkocht. Op de website van Ticketmaster bieden we kaartkopers die verhinderd zijn de mogelijkheid om hun tickets op een betrouwbare manier door te verkopen. Tickets die elders worden aangeboden zijn doorverkochte tickets die meestal voor een veel hoger bedrag worden verkocht en waarvan wij de geldigheid niet kunnen garanderen. Let op: er zijn oplichters actief!
19:00 Doors 19:30 Désirée Mishoe 20:30 The Darkness
The English glam rock formation The Darkness became world famous in 2003 with their hard rock anthem 'I Believe in a Thing Called Love' from the album 'Permission to Land'. In 2023 we are exactly two decades further and The Darkness is celebrating the twentieth anniversary of this legendary album this year, and of course they will do so in Melkweg!
After the success of debut album 'Permission to Land', things certainly didn't stay quiet around the band. Several albums of various feel-good classic rock and glam rock classics followed. With 'Motorheart' from 2021 as the latest achievement.
A personal message from Justin Hawkins about this tour:
“When Permission to Land landed, twenty short years ago, we were bathed in shock and awe. As if by magic, Rock wasn’t dead! Fun wasn’t banned! And Spandex was almost acceptable again…
Well, guess what? Twenty years on, the same rules apply. So please to squeeze yourselves into those inappropriate leggings, back-comb your mullet, splash on a big handful of attitude, and come celebrate with us! We promise everything and we deliver, every time. Bring on the next twenty!
The Darkness. The best. For you. Forever.”
Justin Hawkins, Switzerland, March 2023