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Please note: this event has already taken place
Alle tickets voor dit programma zijn uitverkocht. Op de website van Ticketmaster bieden we kaartkopers die verhinderd zijn de mogelijkheid om hun tickets op een betrouwbare manier door te verkopen. Tickets die elders worden aangeboden zijn doorverkochte tickets die meestal voor een veel hoger bedrag worden verkocht en waarvan wij de geldigheid niet kunnen garanderen. Let op: er zijn oplichters actief!
19:30 Doors 20:00 The Man Up North 21:00 Starsailor
Over the past two decades, Starsailor has been compared to a diverse range of artists, ranging from Neil Young and Van Morrison to their fellow Wigan musicians, The Verve. Regardless of the category you place the band in, it's evident that they have emerged from the aftermath of the Britpop explosion. Starsailor has established itself as a prominent figure in the music landscape of the early 2000s. As one of the pioneers of the new wave of British guitar bands, alongside acts like Coldplay and Travis, the band made a breakthrough with their debut album 'Love Is Here'. This album, featuring hits such as 'Fever', 'Alcoholic', and 'Good Souls', marked the beginning of their success story.
In March 2024, a new release is on the horizon – 'Where The Wild Things Grow', following their 2017 album 'All This Live'! The album also showcases additional guitar work by Rick McNamara and Travis's Andy Dunlop, along with background vocals by Lucy Joules (known for her collaboration with Sam Smith).
Rock band The Man Up North will open the show! The Leuven-based band is known for their powerful live shows featuring music ranging from indie-rock to mild psychedelica. Last year, they released their long-awaited debut album, also named 'The Man Up North.' This year, they are touring with Starsailor, and are making a stop at the Melkweg!
The Man Up North is supported by Liveurope: the first pan-European initiative supporting concert venues in their efforts to promote emerging European music.