• Film

Shakedown (2018)

Pride 2024 - Presented by MUBI & BSDWCORP.

Cinema Expo

Please note: this event has already taken place

  • Price:
  • € 11
  • € 0 Cineville gratis
  • Valid for Cineville More info
  • Free for year members

18:30: Doors open, via Melkweg EXPO 19:00: Start of curator tour through the exhibition "This Is The Truth" in EXPO 19:15: Doors open CINEMA 19:45: Introduction of the film (Shakedown) in CINEMA 20:00: Screening of the film (Shakedown) in CINEMA 21:30: Film discussion in CINEMA 22:00: End of program

Together with MUBI we present the documentary 'Shakedown' from Leilah Weinraub, selected by curator J.G. Basdew from the exhibition "This Is The Truth: The Black Queer Masculine Through a Reclaimed Lens – A Prelude" in our Expo - showing until 25 August.

The screening will include a program prior that includes a private tour of the exhibition "This Is The Truth," led by curator and founder of the social and artistic practice bsdwcorp., J.G. Basdew. He will not only share more background information about the exhibition, but also explain its wonderful connection to the film SHAKEDOWN (2018).

Walk-in for the tour starts from 18:30 at Melkweg EXPO, entrance through MILK. The tour ends in the Cinema. The doors of our Cinema will open at 19:15.

Shakedown is the story of Los Angeles’ black lesbian strip club scene and its genesis. Owned and operated by women, underground and illegal in nature, the club Shakedown is the darker, faster, younger iteration of this dance culture. The film is a window into this world. Shakedown emerged from a post-RIOTS, post-OJ, post-integration but still very racially divided Los Angeles. In this divided city Shakedown is an independent, all black and all female cash economy. The documentary chronicles the explicit performances and personal relationships of the party’s dancers and organizers including Ronnie-Ron, Shakedown Productions’ creator and emcee; Mahogany, the legendary “mother” of the community; Egypt, their star performer; and Jazmine, the “Queen” of Shakedown.

J.G. Basdew is the founder of bsdwcorp. an artistic and social practice focusing on interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation. Social progression is central to his work, aiming to connect and advance society. Basdew creates both individual work and collaborative projects, including the long-running performance piece ‘yazija,’ which explores themes of personal identity, gender roles and male vulnerability. His projects, ranging from visual art to theatre productions and audiovisual artworks, aim to promote important social and cultural dialogues. Basdew's approach is flexible and inclusive, making his work appeal to a wide and diverse audience

Melkweg often hosts different types of programmes at the same time, such as concerts, club nights and films. Please note that there may occasionally be some noise pollution from other programmes during the screening.