Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

Please note: this event has already taken place
Opbrengst direct naar Giro555 en kleinere initiatieven
16:30 - deuren 17:00 - start programma 19:00 - einde
Our thoughts are with Turkey and Syria. With the people in the affected area, but also with their families and friends who are living remotely in a nightmare. Together with film platform Cinetree and actress Sinem Kavus we join hands and organize an evening with film, live music and readings by Naaz, Nazmiye Oral and Meral Polat among others. To reflect on the situation, but especially to raise money for Giro555. Come to Melkweg in the afternoon of Sunday, February 26 to join us in action. Doors open at 16:30 and we will start with the program at 17:00.