Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

Please note: this event has already taken place
Er is een VIP-upgrade voor het concert van Ryan Mack te koop. Met deze upgrade krijg je: Early acces, een intiem live-optreden van Ryan Mack en toegang tot de Q&A. Let op: omdat het om een upgrade gaat, geeft dit extra ticket geen toegang tot de show. Je hebt dus nog steeds een normaal toegangskaartje nodig. Je kan de upgrade kopen via deze link:
18:30 zaal open VIP upgrade 19:30 zaal open 20:00 NEVE 21:00 Ryan Mack
You might be one of his 1.8 million followers on TikTok or maybe you've already seen him pop up on Instagram, either way: Ryan Mack is on his way to becoming a big one! The Irish singer has been playing music since he was 12 and is rapidly conquering the social media world with his lively and emotional pop songs. His remix of the song 'Overwhelmed' has already been streamed more than 81 million times and if he continues like this, a first EP may not be long in coming. Check it out in our OZ this winter!
Supported by Liveurope: the first pan-European initiative supporting concert venues in their efforts to promote emerging European music.