• Concert


Girls just wanna have Funds

met Miss Starling, Susann, Keely Westwood, Ballroom Blitz en Julia Madou


    19:00 Doors 19:30 Start program

    Popcontact is the ultimate hangout for anyone in and around the music industry. A free night packed with panel discussions and live music, brought to you by the master’s students from the pop department at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam.

    In this edition of Popcontact, we’re diving into the world of subsidies in pop music. Financial support is one of the biggest challenges for artists. What funding opportunities are out there for musicians today? Which grants and schemes are the perfect fit for your project? And how do you write a successful application that ticks all the boxes?

    During the event, you’ll have the chance to pitch your idea on paper, and our expert panel of funders will give you valuable feedback!

    Li Sang Ong - VNPF (Vereniging voor Nederlandse poppodia en festivals) Karlijn Profijt - Fonds Podiumkunsten
    Olivier de Neve - BAM! Popauteurs subsidie spreekuur
    Deborah de Vries-Pinas - Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten
    Eva Scheltema - Amarte Fonds

    With live music by:
    Miss Starling
    Keely Westwood
    Ballroom Blitz
    Julia Madou

    Susann invites you to wander through her rich harmonies and personal lyrics, exploring what’s hiding beneath the surface. Her compositions are distinguished by theatrical and cinematic elements, soft and subtle - yet upfront, presenting an undercurrent tension. Artists such as James Blake, Bon Iver, Björk and Moses Sumney are a source of inspiration, setting her off on a quest for renewed, dynamic consonance.

    Keely Westwood
    Dramatic and delightfully weird, Keely Westwood's creative world is one of letters unsent and stories untold. She doesn’t shy away from exploring the strange, slimy, sticky mess at the depths of her soul, existential dread, and the great unknown.