Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.
Please note: this event has already taken place
Dit programma wordt verplaatst naar een nader te bepalen datum. Gekochte tickets incl. lidmaatschappen blijven geldig op de nieuwe datum. Kaartkopers ontvangen bericht zodra de nieuwe datum bekend is.
The timetable will be listed here as soon as it is complete
Belgian-Congolese and Cape Town-raised Petite Noir - alias of singer and producer Yannick Ilunga - is an inventor of the noir wave: a mix of South African music, R&B, new wave and pop. Imagine something between The xx, TV On The Radio, FKA Twigs and Kanye West's '808 & Heartbreaks', the record that changed Ilungas life.
Recent work includes a feature by Danny Brown, as well as jazz musician Theo Croker on his latest single 'Simple Things'.
Needless to say, we are really looking forward to his return on 3 May!