• Exhibition

MILK SOLO: Aniela Kurkiewicz


    The MILK solo 'Take Eyes First: Reimagining Lesbian Cruising' by Aniela Kurkiewicz presents a fictional scenario of lesbian cruising in Amsterdam's Oosterpark. The series examines the political control over bodies and sexuality in relation to private and public spaces. Through historical context, theoretical insights and personal experiences, 'Take Eyes First' presents a critical counterview to the dominant patriarchal culture.

    Queer women have traditionally sought connection and intimacy within the safe walls of private spaces, such as lesbian bars and house parties. The series questions the social codes that exist within the queer community and envisions an alternative environment in which lesbians openly seek partners and thus reclaim public spaces.

    The Oosterpark, a historical cruising spot, serves as a backdrop for loving encounters between non-male individuals. The fictional images translate emotional truths that explore the search for connection and safety.

    Aniela Kurkiewicz is an interdisciplinary artist-photographer, based between Rotterdam and Antwerp. Her interests include conceptual art, intersectional feminism, visual semiotics and queer archives.

    The opening of Take Eyes First: Reimagining Lesbian Cruising will take place on March 7th between 18:00 and 21:00 in Cafe MILK. 

    Discover Aniela Kurkiewicz

    This MILK SOLO is made possible by the Mondriaan Fund.