Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

Please note: this event has already taken place
Alle tickets voor dit programma zijn uitverkocht. Op de website van Ticketmaster bieden we kaartkopers die verhinderd zijn de mogelijkheid om hun tickets op een betrouwbare manier door te verkopen. Tickets die elders worden aangeboden zijn doorverkochte tickets die meestal voor een veel hoger bedrag worden verkocht en waarvan wij de geldigheid niet kunnen garanderen. Let op: er zijn oplichters actief!
19:00 Doors 19:30 Harper O’Neill 20:30 Lainey Wilson
Lainey Wilson is an American singer-songwriter who gives traditional country music a modern twist. During her high school years, the singer impersonated Hannah Montana. Soon enough, the singer was also successful with her own personality. She left her small town in Louisiana and went on tour with her camper to introduce the rest of the world to her contemporary country music. Fortunately, the Melkweg is also on her route next year, so make sure to check her out quickly at our Max!
Be on time and check out the singer Harper O'Neill as support act from Lainey Wilson