Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

Please note: this event has already taken place
Alle tickets voor dit programma zijn uitverkocht. Op de website van Ticketmaster bieden we kaartkopers die verhinderd zijn de mogelijkheid om hun tickets op een betrouwbare manier door te verkopen. Tickets die elders worden aangeboden zijn doorverkochte tickets die meestal voor een veel hoger bedrag worden verkocht en waarvan wij de geldigheid niet kunnen garanderen. Let op: er zijn oplichters actief!
19:30 Doors 20:00 WEZN 21:00 Kadebostany
2024: new line-up, new music, new visual identity, and a brand new live show. Following the success of the album “Play This at My Funerals” released in June 2023 and a sold-out tour across Europe, Kadebostany is ready to embark on its 2024 tour.
The new live show will showcase an exciting new line-up, a full live band featuring 3 singers, and a horn section surrounded by modular synth assaults. This new show features the classic songs that you know and brand music. Under the flag of the conceptual Republic of Kadebostany, Kadebostany rapidly captured attention far and wide with its singular brand of pop music, unique visual identity, and colossal live performances.
The electro duo from Hanover comes to warm up the venue with their unique and moving sound, which strikes a perfect balance between pop and electronic music. WEZN deals with emotional topics that always create goosebumps.
WEZN is supported by Liveurope: the first pan-European initiative supporting concert venues in their efforts to promote emerging European music.