• Concert

Jon Pardi


Please note: this event has already taken place

  • Price:
  • € 28,75
  • Excl. € 4 (month)/€ 25 (year) required membership.

Helaas kan deze show omwille van gezondheidsredenen van de artiest geen doorgang vinden op zondag 3 september, en zijn we genoodzaakt het te verplaatsen naar een nog nader te bepalen datum. Kaarten en lidmaatschappen blijven geldig voor de nieuwe datum. Kaartkopers ontvangen een e-mail van Ticketmaster zodra deze nieuwe datum bekend is, in dit bericht is ook meer informatie te vinden over wat te doen bij verhindering.

The timetable will be listed here as soon as it is complete

Jon Pardi is an artist who was destined to make the music he does. He fell in love with country music as a child thanks to his grandmother's karaoke set, so it came as no surprise when he moved to Nashville at a young age to pursue his dream of becoming a country artist. He soon got a record deal, but really had his breakthrough after the release of his second album, especially with the hit 'Head Over Boots', which reached number 1 on the country charts. So dust off your cowboy hat, because this summer Pardi is touring with his latest album 'Mr. Saturday Night!'