Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

Please note: this event has already taken place
Alle tickets voor dit programma zijn uitverkocht. Op de website van Ticketmaster bieden we kaartkopers die verhinderd zijn de mogelijkheid om hun tickets op een betrouwbare manier door te verkopen. Tickets die elders worden aangeboden zijn doorverkochte tickets die meestal voor een veel hoger bedrag worden verkocht en waarvan wij de geldigheid niet kunnen garanderen. Let op: er zijn oplichters actief!
19:30 Doors 20:00 Corey Harper 21:00 Dylan Gossett
The show on 30 June is sold out, but there will be an extra Dylan Gossett show on 2 July!
Dylan Gossett, the 24-year-old singer-songwriter from Austin, began writing and recording music in his teenage years. Even during his high school years, his time at Texas A&M, and a job at Formula 1 Racing, music remained Dylan's true passion. Inspired by a new generation of singer-songwriters emerging online, Dylan began posting videos of his songs in April 2023 - his music immediately resonated with a global audience. In October 2023, Dylan released his highly anticipated debut EP 'No Better Time,' which quickly garnered much praise from outlets including The New York Times and Billboard, and soon the young singer will be featured in our OZ!